Qui en voeux ?

09/01/2007 00:01
431 lectures
J'ai du me taper au moins 300 cartes de voeux et quand 20 personnes de la même boîte envoient la même, force est de constater que c'est pas toujours très original. C'est pourtant pas compliqué de choisir une jolie photo, si ?


"You a go tired fe see me face
Can't get me out of the race
Oh man you said I'm in your place
A make you draw bad card
And then you draw bad card (repeat)

Propaganda spreading over my name
Say you want to bring another life to shame
Oh man you just playing a game
And then you draw bad card, draw bad card
A make you draw bad card, draw bad card
A make you draw bad card

I want to disturb my neighbor
Cause I'm feeling so right
I want to turn up my disco
Blow them to full Watts tonight
In a rub-a-dub style, in a rub-a-dub style
In a rub-a-dub style, in a rub-a-dub style

Cause we guarding the palace so majestic
Guarding the palace so realistic
Them a go tired fe see we face, oh yeah
Me say them can't get we out of the race
Oh man it's just a big disgrace

The way you draw bad card, draw bad card
The way you make wrong moves, make wrong moves
The way you draw bad card, draw bad card
A make you draw bad card, draw bad card
A make you draw bad card
In a rub-a-dub style, in a rub-a-dub style" (source)

Bob Marley, Bad card

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